**We are a closed herd and all of our herd are tested CAE/OPPV negative, Johne’s negative and CL negative**
Betty – Registered Name: Paradise Valley Farm’s Glory
F2 Generation Black and White 2013 Ewe who carries blue eyed gene, 24″ at the shoulder.
Scrapie codon tested: RR
Zsa Zsa – Registered Name: Pint Sized Ranch Zsa Zsa
FP Generation Black and White 2023
Scrapie Codon Tested: RR
Mickey – Registered Name: Pint Sized Ranch Mickey
FP Generation Black and White 2020 Ewe who carries blue eyed gene, 24″ at the shoulder.
Scrapie codon tested: QR
We will be using Arnold as well as Thor for 2025 lambing season. Arnold will be paired with our adult ewes and Thor with our yearlings